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Connect Case Studies

Healthcare - BreastScreen Victoria

BreastScreen Victoria


BreastScreen Victoria (BSV) turns to Connect to deliver free mammogram services to hundreds of thousands of women across the state, with highly personalised “client-centric” communications.


BreastScreen Victoria is a government-funded, national breast cancer screening program that provides high quality mammography screening, targeting women aged between 50 and 74 years. Due to the increase of women eligible for free screening services, an automated document delivery solution was needed to improve its interactions with women seeking to obtain early detection of breast cancer, resulting in a major improvement to workflow.

The Challenge

Spurred by an increase in the population cross the state, BSV began looking for new ways to reach out to over 250,000 women eligible for free breast screens each year. Their mailing process involved sending out over 500,000 invitations and confirmation letters to the patients in their extensive database. This was proving difficult to handle. On top of the increase in postage costs, a significant portion of staff time was spent maintaining letter templates as the program focused on a client-centric approach, tailoring communications to patients’ needs. Using an inefficient paper-based workflow, delays and backlogs prevailed – ultimately hampering staff productivity.

To handle the sheer volume of content and delivery of these invitations, BSV required a more robust customer communications platform that could easily deploy personalised invitations digitally, making way for faster patient response time and form processing.

The Solution

With the implementation of Connect for output management, the production of client-centric communications – including invitations, confirmations and result letters – was automated without the need for sorting mail or managing more than 500 letter templates. With the confirmation letter, patients receive a registration form that is now pre-populated with personalised customer data collected at the time of booking.

This has delivered a more streamlined process for women in completing the form, and also for BSV as they now enjoy shorter processing times. The software also provides the option for women to receive their reminder and appointment confirmation in the form of HTML enriched emails, using the Connect platform. By reminding women to book their screening appointment electronically, BSV has seen the usage of their online booking system increase from 8% to 30%.

“We chose Connect because its architecture was genuinely intuitive without the need to reinvent the wheel. An added bonus was being able to manage patient communications in-house and uniquely deliver highly personalised multi-channel interactions that indicate recommendations and options made available for various patient needs. This is the kind of flexibility we were looking for.”

Greg Maudsley, BreastScreen Victoria’s, Senior Project Manager

The Benefits

  • Since installing Connect, BSV has reported numerous benefits, like reduced postage costs, less administration, faster screening turnaround times and improved patient service:
  • 56% of women are now reminded electronically to book their screening appointment, reducing paper and postage costs
  • 35% of women are now opting to receive their appointment confirmation letters by email
  • $180,000 in yearly savings has been achieved through digital mail delivery
  • The enhanced, modern correspondence addresses and caters to the needs of women with various screening requirements
  • Additional postal savings of up to 6 cents per item of sorted mail have been realised
  • Repetitive and time-consuming paperwork has been replaced with a heightened focus on delivering superior screening services